The pure malt amongst the Johnnie Walker 'family', bottled at 15 years old. A great gift malt, and a good, sweet but hearty malt with bags of character. The lead malts in this are Talisker, Linkwood, Cragganmore and Caol Ila.
Sold in just a limited number of countries, it has been recommended, by those lucky enough to have experienced it. Named 'Best Blended Malt' by international judges the popularity of and demand for this whisky has grown to such an extent that J.W. can no longer keep it a secret.
This success has led to it being renamed Green Label and joining the core Walker family. It will now be available much more widely to allow more people to share in this exceptional whisky.
Its unique flavour is created by blending only a selection of vibrant 15-year-old malts - whiskies selected for their intense flavours and distinct tones. They are combined in a delicate balance and it is for this reason that the flavour of Green Label seems to change each time you pick up the glass.
This is an outdoors whisky - an external one, a 'natural' one. There's a hint of forest, shore and fruit. Shut your eyes and think about where it takes you. Outdoors, in the woods after rain. Concentrated, intense flavours work together while retaining their individuality. The different elements are in evidence yet also in harmony. It changes every time you pick up the glass.
Green Label is one of those spirits that you learn to appreciate more with every glass – I didn’t appreciate this whisky nearly as much as I did after a few glasses later on a different day when the complexities and the subtle variations were more obvious.
Green Label — a blended malt using only four malts "drawn from the four corners of Scotland" – the intent of the blend is to deliver depth, substance, intensity. Each of the malts is selected by the blender for balance and each malt whisky is matured for a minimum of 15 years